Capital Campaign

What comes to mind when you think about South Church?

Outward Facing, Nurturing, Forward Thinking, Inclusive, Welcoming, Deeply Faithful
(from congregation survey, Oct. 2023)

There are not many places in our modern world that fit that description! Our church has been a beacon of love in the community for more than 300 years and we believe there is still more work God is calling us to do. We are launching a Capital Campaign to maintain our historic building, improve facilities to meet current needs and create a solid Building Reserve fund to ensure we properly care for it all in the future.

The campaign’s purpose is to raise financial support for necessary, important building projects including a fire suppression system, steeple painting and repairs, sanctuary window work, kitchen renovation, and sanctuary chancel work but our campaign is about much more. Improving our facilities allows us to live more fully into who we seek to be as a faith community and to further our mission to be a community hub that “boldly embodies God’s love and compassion”.

Your voice and participation are integral to this process. I invite you to learn, listen, and participate in the events of this exciting time in the history of South Church.

Rev. Dana Allen Walsh, Senior Pastor

Capital Campaign Members:
ambassadors to the congregation

Kate Jagger & Allan Joyall, co-chairs
Hooks Johnston, honorary chair
David Bryan
Marjorie Chiafery
Kathleen Curry
Betsy Davis
David Floreen
Jane Ingram
Polly Pyle
William Schroeder
Wayne Shaw
David Sleight
David Strong (Moderator)
Dana Allen Walsh (Senior Pastor)

Feedback or questions for our committee? Click the button to email them!

providing building project recommendations for the scope of the campaign and working with vendors

Betsy Davis (Chair of Building Team)
Michael Kraley
Marty Mason
Dana Allen Walsh (Senior Pastor)
David Strong (Moderator)
Kate Jagger (Campaign Co-Chair)
Allan Joyall (Campaign Co-Chair)

February – June
gathering information, listening to the congregation, individual and small group conversations

October – December
public phase of the campaign in the church and broader community

Rev. Dr. Mary Luti on Sacred Space
Sun., March 17th 10:00AM in worship
Mon., March 18th 6:00PM potluck and discussion
Congregational listening sessions with architect
House gatherings
Building tours

Staffed information table during Fellowship time after worship
Monthly listening sessions on Zoom and in the church library
Regular updates in the Buzz email. Watch for the “Capital Campaign Corner”
Updates on this webpage

Questions or comments?
Email the Capital Campaign Members at capital AT