TransParent Support Group
a supportive community of parents and guardians of trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming kids.
a supportive community of parents and guardians of trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming kids.
Come and rest in the knowledge that you and your child are seen, known and loved.
All are welcome as we join on Zoom and focus on the parables of Jesus!
All are welcome as we engage in dialogue, fellowship, and meaningful conversation on various faith related topics.
All are welcome at our monthly worship service at Edgewood LifeCare Community in North Andover.
All are welcome!
Curious about South Church? Considering a closer relationship with us? Stick around after worship!
All are welcome as we work to promote good environmental stewardship!
Join us as we gather with other mom's of elementary and middle school kids to connect and share. Feel free to invite a friend!
Together, we'll go over some of the basics and how-tos of life at South Church—church structure, volunteering, giving, navigating the website, and other practical tools.
Are you "only" buying groceries, attending appointments, organizing finances for your relative? On Zoom.
Pack your car with a lunch, food donations, chairs and line up for the parade at Dundee Park or support the parade along the route!