Quilt Group

Join others from South Church for a few hours on Wednesday afternoons. All levels of experience are welcome!

South Church Ringers

All are welcome to join in the fun, regardless of musical background or knowledge!

Sanctuary Choir

Join our Sanctuary Choir! Email Cathy for the weekly sign-up.

TransParent Support Group

a supportive community of parents and guardians of trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming kids.

Faith Forum

Let's learn, grow, and inspire each other—one discussion at a time. We gather in-person and connect through Zoom. 

Middle School Youth Group

Come as you are for fun, connections, service and more! Friends are always welcome too!

High School Youth Group

Sunday afternoons are for fun, check-ins, and simply showing up as you are that day.

Seekers Bible Study

Bible study is a wonderful way to get to know people on a deeper level. It has proved to be both true and rewarding for many in the group.

Zoom Bible Study

All are welcome as we join on Zoom and focus on the parables of Jesus!

Worship at Edgewood

All are welcome at our monthly worship service at Edgewood LifeCare Community in North Andover.