Monthly Capital Campaign Q & A

In our parlor & on Zoom. Your voice and participation are integral to the capital campaign process. We invite you to learn, listen, and participate in the events of this exciting time in the history of South Church.

Homework Club

Tutoring & board games with Michaela! Perfect for families with younger siblings in Honeycomb Choir.

Middle School Youth Group

Come as you are for fun, connections, service and more! Friends are always welcome too!

High School Youth Group

Sunday afternoons are for fun, check-ins, and simply showing up as you are that day.

South Church Ringers

All are welcome to join in the fun, regardless of musical background or knowledge!

Sanctuary Choir

Join our Sanctuary Choir! Email Cathy for the weekly sign-up.

Monday Book Group

This group meets in our library one Monday each month. Interested? Email Brian in the office.

20s & 30s Gathering

In your 20s or 30s? Join us off-site for a game night. Click for details.

Bible Study Group!

Bible study is a wonderful way to get to know people on a deeper level. It has proved to be both true and rewarding for many in the group.