The Memorial Columbarium Garden will be constructed on the corner of the property bordered by School Street and Central Street. With pathways leading from Central Street and the parking lot, it will be fully accessible and welcoming to all and designed for gathering. The design includes benches, a labyrinth for walking meditation, and a butterfly garden. It is immediately adjacent to our fenced playground, making it a multi-use space for people of all ages.
Since 1710, the South Parish burial grounds have been a sacred place where families have buried their loved ones and come to honor their memories. With the cemetery grounds at capacity, the opportunities to purchase plots or bury our loved ones here were themselves passing away. And so, the South Church Memorial Garden was conceived. Construction will begin in early spring 2025 with completion expected by the end of summer.
Niches for burial of cremated remains will be available in both a columbarium wall and a garth.
A columbarium is a structure that holds urns containing cremated remains.
A garth is a yard or garden with spaces to bury urns containing cremated remains.
Burial niches are available for purchase. Cost includes interment and engraving. We are offering a pre-construction discount of ten percent.
The lot is not transferable unless it is willed.
To purchase a burial niche for yourself or your family, please contact us at 978-475-0321, ext. 100 or [email protected]
Burial niches in the South Church Memorial Garden are available for anyone and everyone who is interested. If the pricing is out of reach for you financially, please speak privately with Senior Pastor Dana Allen Walsh.
If purchasing a ½ niche for 2 urns, the next available ½ niche will be assigned by the Cemetery Administrator. Only a purchase of a full niche lot for 6 urns or a garth lot will have a choice in the placement plot.
Urns may be no larger than 1’0″ cubed (12’x12″12″)
Engraving will be on top of niche capstone or garth capstone only.