Volunteers 16 and up are welcome. Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Would you like to help build? Click here to email for info!
Welcome! This is God’s House and in God’s House there is room for everyone; of every background and belief; of every race, creed and culture; of every gender and sexual orientation; of every emotion and ability. We are better and stronger because you are here. Wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at South Church.
Following in the way of Jesus, we welcome all and actively nurture connections within and beyond our walls that bring meaning and joy in spiritual growth, fellowship, and service.
As leaders of diverse faith communities, we unite in affirming this fundamental truth: transgender and non-binary folk are beloved by God. Our community cannot be whole without you…
As clergy of various faiths, we seek justice and equity for all of God’s people. We are grieved by the brutality and racial injustice in our country, especially when…
Our traditional tall, white steepled church stands as a beacon in Andover, yet we connect with visitors and members from across the Merrimack River Valley and beyond. We are a diverse congregation with a rich mix of young and old, gay and straight, single and partnered, believer-since-birth and spiritual-but-not-religious. If you’re wondering what to do next, worship with us on a Sunday. Sit in our pews or watch our worship service on YouTube and experience the diverse mix of people, the vibrant music, the inspiring preaching, and the wide array of activities. And if it feels like the right spiritual home for you, or if you have questions and want to learn more, don’t hesitate to be in touch. God’s peace on your search for a church home, we’d love to see you here, Dana