Teams and Ministries

South Church runs on volunteers like you with positions in seven ministries and their multiple teams. 

The teams fall into three categories.

  • Chartered (in blue below): necessary for the basic work of the church, with congregationally elected leaders and members
  • Self-guided (in yellow below): recognized groups with specific interests and self-chosen leaders
  • Ad-hoc (in green below): formed at the request of leadership with a specific purpose

How can you participate? (visit our online directory in Realm for individual contact info)

  • Leaders are chosen by Nominating or by each team
  • Members are regularly involved with a team. Reach out to the team leader to join!
  • Volunteers offer support occasionally as they are able. Check out Service Central to find out what opportunities work best for you!
  • In Person Worship: Offer visitors the warm, extravagant welcome we strive for at South Church. Ushers, greeters, and acolytes (children grades 4th-7th) help to set-up the sanctuary and greet visitors. Click here for details and sign up.
  • Virtual Worship: Provide audio/visual support during worship
  • Diaconate:
  • Congregational Care: Call, text, write letters, visit with church members who may be lonely, vulnerable or in particular need. as needed
  • Newcomers Team: Seek opportunities to recognize and connect with South Church prospects and newcomers. as desired
  • Music: Assist and participate in youth music programming, data input, performances. as desired
  • Flower Arrangements: Create weekly arrangements, coordinate holiday decorating and exterior flower decorations. Click here for details and sign up!
  • Flower Delivery: Click here for details and sign up!

For more detailed information about serving during worship, click here.

  • Youth & Family Faith Formation: Be a part of our youth programming.
  • Faith Forum: Learning about and discussing the big questions of progressive faith.
  • Social Justice Coalition: Tackle issues of racism, immigration, housing, and criminal justice by organizing educational events that lead to advocacy and action.  Click here for more.
  • South Church PRIDE: Welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into the full life of our church and its ministries.  Click here for more.
  • Friday Night Bible Study
  • South Church History: Assist our historian in documenting, digitizing and sharing our rich history.
  • Library: Help our library to be a resource for the congregation.
  • Theology on Tap: Gather to name God at work in the world.

For more detailed information about engaging with our learning teams, click here.

  • Fellowship: Give an extravagant welcome for meaningful connection to all church members. as desired
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Meal Train: Cook & deliver meals for members in need. as needed
  • Transportation
  • Book Group

For more detailed information about engaging with our congregation, click here.

For more detailed information about engaging with community service, click here.

  • Giving
  • Trustees of the Trust Fund: In the roles of Clerk, Treasurer and Chair, the committee is entrusted with the fiduciary responsibility of holding and managing all Trust Property. 6 year term
  • Memorial Gifts: Evaluates requests for Memorial Gift funds in support of Church activities and charities. as needed
  • Sunday Offering
  • Audit Team: Conduct an internal audit or oversee the process of an outside audit of the Church’s financial management. as needed

For more detailed information about guiding South Church’s financial decisions, click here.

  • Facilities: Work with our Facilities Manager to schedule and oversee projects on the church building & grounds, the parsonage, and the cemetery. minimum one year commitment
  • Information Technology: Perform a wide range of tech functions and troubleshooting to keep staff and congregation connected. 
  • Green Team: Work to promote good environmental stewardship in the church’s facilities, in our homes, and the wider community.
  • Safety/Risk Management
  • Project Management

For more detailed information about sharing your building or IT knowledge, click here.

  • Nominating: Support South Church by identifying and recruiting team leaders.
    UCC Delegates
    Covenants and Charters
    Pastoral Review
    Search Committees
    Staff Support
  • For more detailed information about serving on these teams, click here.